Thursday, April 26, 2012

Merkén: A Mapuche Spice Blend

Cacho de Cabra chilis used to make Merkén
Some time ago I was at a friend's house for a potluck dinner.  Her husband is Chilean and happens to be a chef (oh, poor unlucky me).  I entered their home and was greeted by this intoxicating scent that I couldn't quite put my finger on...but it grabbed hold of me and brought me over to a pot bubbling away upon the stovetop.  I peeked in and saw a delicious, hearty stew slow cooking and yet I still couldn't figure out what I was smelling.  I'm interested in all things food and so when I asked my friend, he told me the 'secret' ingredient was Merkén.  Oh!  Of course! Merkén!  Wait.  What the heck is Merkén?

It so happens Merkén is the tastiest spice blend I have perhaps ever tried in my LIFE.  It is smoky, hot, deep.  But what IS it?  Merkén is a spice blend that hails from the south of Chile.  Well, the reality is you can purchase Merkén from all parts of Chile, but the highest quality, most authentic spice blend is from the south.  Merkén is blended by the native Mapuche indians of Chile.  This piquant blend is typically made from the native Cacho de Cabra ("Goat's Horn") chili pepper, toasted coriander and salt.  Never has something seemingly so simple tasted so complex.  And guess WHAT?  My blog-reading friends - we're in luck. It so happens that my husband is also Chilean; we have family connections in Chile and they've been able to get us a quantity of top quality Merkén from the South for sale at All Things Tea/Charmed Spices.  It is a limited edition spice and I couldn't be more excited.  My shop is nestled in a quaint village setting.  We have a new fine dining restaurant moving in next door to us and the owner/head chef came in to introduce himself yesterday.  We exchanged pleasantries but the conversation quickly moved over to food and spice (as so often it does with foodie types).  I produced the Merkén for him to smell without uttering a word about its origin.  If those eyeballs of his weren't attached by an optical nerve, they'd have fallen out of his head right then and there.  Immediately he began dreaming up dishes he could use the blend for.  I'm pretty sure I didn't exist in that moment...and I totally understand.  So, yup.  It's THAT good.  True Merkén is NOT easy to come by in these parts of the world, and it's a treasure to behold.  So - the question that begs asking - HOW to employ this delicious blend?  Easy:

1,  Combine it with a high quality olive oil (check out Dana Shortt Gourmet for her impressive and extensive olive oil bar: Pair this with a crusty bread for dipping.
2.  Infuse butter with Merkén and use it for bread, corn on the cob or even to top a grilled steak.
3.  Merkén is great for all things BBQ: steaks, fish, pulled pork, chicken.
4.  Use a touch of Merkén for your chilis, stews - the added depth will blow you away
5.  Add a touch to your favourite homemade mac and cheese casserole - cheese and smokiness are natural companions.

I've had the good fortune of spending time in Chile.  It is a gorgeous country.  The people are warm and wonderful and the food is wholesome and pure.  Merkén brings to me memories of my travels.  If you think you'd like to give it a whirl, please feel free to visit me at my shop: All Things Tea, 681 Belmont Avenue West, Kitchener.  If you aren't in town (or country!) - call me: 519-342-0559 - shipping can be arranged.  I'm happy to bring the magic of Merkén to Belmont Village -  may it cast its spell on you as it has me.  Buen provecho!


  1. Oh my! This sounds mucho interesting. Would you ship me a wee package to the wilds of Kinkytown by chance???

  2. You are crazy, Kim. I love it!! Of COURSE I will ship it. I think I have your address at the shop, but maybe send me a FB msg with the deets, just in case! It's YUMMY stuff!

  3. Hi, I'm in Los Angeles and would very much like to buy merken but I'm unable to find it anywhere online or in local stores. Can you help, please? If so, I can send you my contact information. Thank you!
